Friday, December 23, 2011

Stories based on Reiki

What is Reiki ? 

Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy. 

India Claims Success Using Psychic Spies
Bangladesh has recently seen enormous amount of violence around election.Pakistan's main goal is not Kashmir at this time. It is to hijack Bangladesh again and start a covert front on the east of India.

Remote viewing if applied in a wrong way can cause catastrophe and total embarrassment. An ideal example would be the WMD information Iraq. Seventy-three thousand pages of secret documents have recently been declassified in the United States. The information unveiled the activity of two special groups that worked with extrasensory individuals.
Several sources also mentioned John L. Petersen's The Arlington Institutethink tank, which had been identified in US government files as a source on government psychic programs. NSA-related sources first revealed the existence of the NSA paranormal program to investigative author Gus Russo, in 2007. According to Russo's sources, the NSA considers the use of 'psychic information' as a legitimate form of signals intelligence, suggesting a transmission medium may have been confirmed by NSA scientists.

Hiatus Hernia cured in 4 months
Smt. Richa (name changed)was suffering from irritable bowels and various other stomach problems. she also had indigestion & acidity. Later, she was diagnosed for Hiatus Hernia. She requested... Read More...

रेकी ने किया जीवन में समृद्ध और शक्तिशाली
रेकी करते हुए मुझे असीम शान्ति का अनुभव हो रहा था. ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे मुझ पर सफ़ेद रंग की शीतलता की वर्षा हो रही है. मुझे मास्टरशिप के दौरान ईश्वर... Read More...

Mastership has enhanced confidence and healing potential
After learning the basic courses of Reiki, I felt so good that I deciede to become Reiki master as early as possible. I also wanted to know... Read More...

Reiki Gives Physical, emotional and economical independence
It is one amongst the various forms of energy which can provide anybody with physical, emotional and economical independence. This preaching and practice will help each individual to attain... Read More...

मानसिक एवं शारीरिक व्याधियों का इलाज है रेकी (Reiki can heal physical even mental diseases)
एक आदमी जिसका पिछले १३ (13) वर्षों से मानसिक संतुलन ठीक नहीं था, ३ महीने के रेकी उपचार (3 Months of Reiki Healing / Reiki Treatment) के बाद वह अब पूरी तरह से स्वस्थ है... Read More...

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